Dr. Arouri is currently a Distinguished Professor of Finance, Economics and Sustainability (Professeur des Universités de classe exceptionnelle, agrégé du premier concours de l’enseignement supérieur) at Université Côte d’Azur. He is also a Research Fellow at the Economic Research Forum (ERF) in Cairo, Egypt and an Expert in the Evaluation/Accreditation of Doctoral Schools for the High Council for Evaluation of Research and Higher Education (Hcéres), France. Before joining the Université Côte d’Azur, he served as Professor of Economics and Finance and Director of the Doctoral School of Economics, Law and Management (ED245, CERDI, Métafort, CMH & CRCGM) at the Université Clermont Auvergne (2011-2017). He received his HEC M.Sc. in Finance from IHEC Carthage in 2001, his MBA from Université Paris X in 2002, his Ph.D. in Economics from the Université Paris X in 2006, his H.D.R. (Habilitation for Supervising Doctoral Research) in Management Science from the University of Orleans in 2010 and the Agrégation for the Professorship position in 2011. He has previously served as a Researcher and/or Professor in numerous other Universities and Business Schools including University of Orleans (2007-2011), Université Paris-Est (2004), Université Paris X (2005), ESSEC Business School (2006-2007) and EDHEC Business School (2007-2014), Montpellier Business School MBS (2018-2021) and The Institute for the International Education of Students IES Abroad US (2022-2023).
Winner of the AFFI-Euronext-NYSE 2006 Prize, Prof. Arouri currently serves as member of editorial and scientific committee of various academic international journals and conferences and has been invited as a speaker or moderator on numerous international conferences and symposia.