Michal Kravčík is a hydrologist and environmentalist graduated at the Civil Engineering Faculty of Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava. He worked at the Institute of Hydrology and the Institute of Landscape Ecology and Hydraulics of the Slovak Academy of Sciences. He is co-founder of Water Holistic Company, where he provides integrated landscape and water management. It also provides consulting and educational services on effective strategies for sustainable watersheds and landscape restoration. He was awarded the Goldman Environmental Prize in 1999, the most prestigious award in the field of environment, for fundamental scientific research, technical discoveries or for the contribution to human society. He promotes ecological solutions for integrated river basin management. Kravčík published numerous works, including “New Water Paradigm – Water for the Recovery of Climate” in 2007. He is a founding member and chairman of non-government organization People and Water. He is also a member of Ashoka.