Raluca Mariana Grosu is an Associate Professor at the Faculty of Business and Tourism and a PhD coordinator within the Business Administration Doctoral School of the Bucharest University of Economic Studies in Romania.
With a strong theoretical and practical background also consolidated during visiting/research stays at the Jönköping International Business School (Sweden), University of Amsterdam (the Netherlands), University of Seville (Spain) and University of Bari Aldo Moro (Italy), she is involved in research projects and she is the author/co-author of various books, chapters in edited books published by renowned international publishing houses, scientific articles, and conference papers on topics intertwining the fields of entrepreneurship, sustainability, regional science, and demographics. With 15 years of experience in teaching and research, she was an invited speaker at a summer school in Apulia region (Italy) and she lectured a couple of courses in programs developed at the University of Bari Aldo Moro (Italy). She is a member of important associations in her interest fields, and she serves as an assistant editor for “Amfiteatru Economic”, a well-rated peer-reviewed scientific journal in Web of Science. She graduated from two master programs – one in English, dedicated to teaching and research staff – she holds a PhD in Business Administration, and she followed a post-doctoral research stage, as well. She is a member of the Student Entrepreneurship Society of the Bucharest University of Economic Studies being in charge with offering business consultancy services to student entrepreneurs, developing campaigns for promoting student entrepreneurs, organising mentoring programs with renowned entrepreneurs, and organising competitions of business ideas for students. Furthermore, she is a founding member of the FRESHconsult project that implies free generic consultancy activities offered to micro and small Romanian businesses by students, under the strict coordination of professors.