Eva MILITARU is senior researcher and scientific director at the National Research Institute for Labour and Social Protection Bucharest, having more than 20 years of experience in socio-economic research. She holds a PhD in Economics from the Bucharest University of Economic Studies and completed a postdoctoral research program at the same university. Her research activity is focused on the following themes: income and inequalities, poverty, social policy analysis, distributional impact of taxes and social transfers, labour market developments, earnings, wage gaps, minimum wages. She has extensive experience in policies and programs evaluation in the fields of employment, social protection, competitiveness and research, development, and innovation. She has solid skills in quantitative analysis, econometric modelling, macro and microeconomic simulations and general equilibrium modelling. She participated in more than 40 research projects, financed under national, European and international programs, of which she coordinated 14 projects, and published more than 30 papers. She is member of the Scientific Council of the National Research Institute for Labour and Social Protection Bucharest since 2015 and coordinates the Romanian national team in the EUROMOD – Tax-benefit microsimulation model for the European Union since 2011.