Workshop: Integrating Sustainable Development Goals into Real World: Challenges and Opportunities


Exploring Global Perspectives: The Future of Economics and Social Sciences

Workshop Chairs

  • Elena Preda, Bucharest University of Economic Studies, Romania

  • Carmen Trică, Bucharest University of Economic Studies, Romania

  • Michal Kravčík, WaterHolistic, People and Water, Slovakia

  • Louis Meuleman, Public Strategy for Sustainable Development, Brussels, Belgium

The adoption of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development is one of the most ambitious plans established globally, representing the moment that marked the entire human society by developing objectives and targets for all nations and peoples, for all sectors and fields of interest. The complexity of the approach, the highest ambition and the transformative long-term vision represent a unique approach, aiming to redesign the existence and development of human society in harmony with the natural environment, to ensure continuity, responsibility and long-term socio-economic development. The adoption of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) represented the recognition that action is needed at the level of all components of society if we want to change the development model.

The main aim of the workshop is to identify, discuss and share experiences, ideas and opinions about SDGs implementation challenges and opportunities, also.

The main topics covered by the hereby call for papers are related (but not limited) to:

  • Circular economy – a model for future generations
  • The impact of climate change on economy and society
  • Good practices for the implementation of the SDGs in the context of global risks
  • Inclusive and fair education for all
  • The green and digital transition

Abstracts should be no more than 300 words, clearly stating the research question, methodology, results, and implications for sustainable education. Full papers should be between 5,000 and 7,000 words, including references, tables, and figures. Submissions must be original and not previously published or under consideration for publication elsewhere. All submissions will be peer-reviewed for relevance, originality, and contribution to the field.

This workshop is open to educators, researchers, policymakers, and practitioners interested and involved in sustainability and SDGs implementation.

Join us at “Integrating Sustainable Development Goals into Real World: Challenges and Opportunities” to contribute to the dialogue on challenges, dificulties and opportunities for a sustainable future. We look forward to your insightful contributions and to fostering collaborations that drive forward the Agenda 2030 for all.

Elena Preda

Ph.D., Senior Lecturer, is the Head of the Research Center for Sustainable Development from Bucharest University of Economic Studies, Romania. She holds a PhD. in Ecology and has scientific expertise in the field of environmental assessment and indicators, ecological processes, evaluation of ecosystem services in connection with socio-economic system. Her research activities concern: contributions to knowledge development and technical basis for assessment of climatic changes impacts on ecosystems; understanding the impact of different drivers on ecosystem functioning and development of innovative nature-based solutions and sustainable business models; involvement in environmental policy elaboration and implementation, thus supporting the decision-making process.

Carmen Lenuța Trică

Pofessor, Ph.D., is a graduate of the Faculty of Agrifood and Environmental Economics from the Bucharest University of Economic Studies, Romania. She teaches courses: Sustainable Development, Circular Management of Resources, Environmental Governance, Environmental Economics, Ecological impact assessment. The topic of the doctoral thesis was “Economic tools in the sustainable management of water resources” and, in 2023, she defended the habilitation thesis with the theme “Contributions regarding the evaluation of the impact of the circular economy on sustainable development in the context of global risks”. In the 25 years of research activity, she was involved, as a team member or director, in 32 research projects related to the circular economy, waste management, sustainable development.

Michal Kravčík

is a hydrologist and environmentalist graduated at the Civil Engineering Faculty of Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava. He worked at the Institute of Hydrology and the Institute of Landscape Ecology and Hydraulics of the Slovak Academy of Sciences. He is co-founder of Water Holistic Company, where he provides integrated landscape and water management. It also provides consulting and educational services on effective strategies for sustainable watersheds and landscape restoration. He was awarded the Goldman Environmental Prize in 1999, the most prestigious award in the field of environment, for fundamental scientific research, technical discoveries or for the contribution to human society. He promotes ecological solutions for integrated river basin management. Kravčík published numerous works, including “New Water Paradigm – Water for the Recovery of Climate” in 2007. He is a founding member and chairman of non-government organization People and Water. He is also a member of Ashoka.

Louis Meuleman

is an academic, practitioner and trainer on sustainability governance, metagovernance and policy coherence and integration. He is visiting professor public governance at KU Leuven University (Belgium); member and currently vice chair of the United Nations Committee of Experts on Public Administration (CEPA); vice chair of the Scientific Committee of the European Environment Agency (EEA); and director of the think tank Public Strategy for Sustainable Development (PS4SD).
During his 40 years’ public administration experience at subnational, national, European and UN level, he was among others Head of Unit Rural Areas at the former Ministry of Housing, Spatial Planning and the Environment of the Netherlands. Later he was director of the Dutch science-policy advisory council RMNO and host of the EEAC network (2002-2005). From 2011-20, he was policy coordinator at the European Commission, DG Environment. He has a PhD in public administration (Public Management and the Metagovernance of Hierarchies, Networks and Markets, Springer, 2008) and an MSc in environmental biology. His latest book is Metagovernance for Sustainability (Routledge, 2018). As co-founder and director of the think tank Public Strategy for Sustainable Development ( ) in Brussels, he advises among others national governments, the European Commission, the OECD, UN bodies, the Council of Europe on SDG implementation challenges.