Mini Track on International Business and Economics


Exploring Global Perspectives: The Future of Economics and Social Sciences

Mini Track Chairs

  • Radu MUȘETESCU, Bucharest University of Economic Studies, Romania

  • Ramona-Iulia DIEACONESCU, Bucharest University of Economic Studies, Romania

  • Guest Speaker – Dionysis SKARMEAS, Bucharest University of Economic Studies, Romania

  • Guest Speaker – Yoshi FUJIWARA, Graduate School of Information Science, University of Hyogo, Japan

The suggested topics covered by this panel are:

  • Economic & business cycle’s theory and evidences

  • Economics of crisis, global and regional crisis contagion

  • The causes and cures for modern crisis

  • The social and economic effects of crisis

  • The markets and the state under crisis

  • Crisis management

  • Globalization of crisis

The list is not an exclusive one, the researchers being encouraged to participate with works that are analysing any aspects of crisis in modern economies. Theoretical and empirical studies are welcomed both in this section.

Radu Mușetescu

is an economist specialized in International Business with postgraduate studies in Geopolitics and Geoeconomics. Member of the Department of International Business and Economics in the Academy of Economic Studies in Bucharest. Visiting professor at the University of Szczecin in Poland (2014) and National Intelligence Academy in Bucharest (2016, 2017). Interested in the economic dimension of the national security as well as business-government relations in international politics.

Ramona-Iulia Dieaconescu

is a PhD economist (since 2011) and Associate Professor at the International Business and Economics Department from the Bucharest University of Economic Studies. With over 17 years of teaching experience in subjects like International Negotiation, International Logistics and International Business Environment, at different Bachelor and Master programs from the university, she is a passionate professor and researcher. She is currently vice-dean in charge of research and international relations at the Faculty of International Business and Economics, member of the Executive Council of The International Economic Relations Research Center and member of the Alumni ASE Association Board of Directors. She is author and co-author of over 50 scientific articles and books/chapters in books, in the field of economics and particularly in international business and logistics and also an active reviewer for several scientific journals.

Dionysis Skarmeas (Guest Speaker)

received his MBA and PhD in Marketing from Cardiff University and his BSc in Economics for the University of Piraeus. He started his academic career at Cardiff University, moved to the University of Piraeus and then to the University of Leeds. His research interests include International Marketing, Entrepreneurship & Innovation, CSR & Green Marketing and Marketing Channels. Dionysis has published his research in journals such as Journal of International Business Studies, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, Journal of Retailing, Journal of International Marketing, British Journal of Management, Journal of Business Ethics, Industrial Marketing Management, Journal of Business Research, International Marketing Review and European Journal of Marketing. His publications have received a substantial number of citations. Dionysis serves in the editorial review board of Journal of International Business Studies, Journal of International Marketing and International Marketing Review and as an ad hoc reviewer for Journal of Business Ethics, Journal of Business Research, Industrial Marketing Management and European Journal of Marketing.

Yoshi FUJIWARA (Guest Speaker)

is Professor of the Graduate School of Simulation Studies, University of Hyogo. He received his Ph.D. from the Tokyo Institute of Technology in 1992 and studied general relativity and quantum cosmology at the Yukawa Institute as a postdoctoral fellow. He was a visiting researcher at the Institute of Theoretical Physics, University of California, Santa Barbara. He was engaged in research in econophysics at the Department of Economics, Università Politecnica delle Marche, Italy.