Mini Track on Labour and Social Welfare


Exploring Global Perspectives: The Future of Economics and Social Sciences

Mini Track Chairs

  • Eva MILITARU, Scientific Director of National Research Institute for Labour and Social Protection, Romania

  • Guest Speaker – Denisa M. SOLOGON, Luxembourg Institute of Socio-Economic Research, Luxembourg

The mini-track on Labour and Social Welfare aims to provide an open platform for researchers, academics and scholars to discuss and share insights on key issues related to labour market and social welfare. It intends to inspire positive change and contribute to the development of sustainable, equitable, and inclusive labour and welfare systems. The section will delve into a range of topics, from the challenges faced by the labour force, labour market trends and critical aspects of ensuring the well-being of workers and citizens, to innovative solutions in employment, welfare strategies and social protection measures.

We welcome original research contributions in the following areas:

  • Trends in the Future of Work
  • Education and Lifelong Learning
  • Emerging Skills Needs
  • Digital Literacy and Technology Skills
  • Social Welfare Innovations
  • Inclusive Policies and Services for Vulnerable Groups
  • Innovation in Long-Term Care
  • Social Protection and Welfare Systems
  • Income, Poverty and Inequality
  • Health and Well-being at Work
  • Work-Life Balance and Family Well-Being
  • Workplace Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
  • Global Perspectives on Labour and Welfare


is senior researcher and scientific director at the National Research Institute for Labour and Social Protection Bucharest, having more than 20 years of experience in socio-economic research. She holds a PhD in Economics from the Bucharest University of Economic Studies and completed a postdoctoral research program at the same university. Her research activity is focused on the following themes: income and inequalities, poverty, social policy analysis, distributional impact of taxes and social transfers, labour market developments, earnings, wage gaps, minimum wages. She has extensive experience in policies and programs evaluation in the fields of employment, social protection, competitiveness and research, development, and innovation. She has solid skills in quantitative analysis, econometric modelling, macro and microeconomic simulations and general equilibrium modelling. She participated in more than 40 research projects, financed under national, European and international programs, of which she coordinated 14 projects, and published more than 30 papers. She is member of the Scientific Council of the National Research Institute for Labour and Social Protection Bucharest since 2015 and coordinates the Romanian national team in the EUROMOD – Tax-benefit microsimulation model for the European Union since 2011.

Denisa M. SOLOGON (Guest Speaker)

is a Senior Research Scientist at the Luxembourg Institute of Socio-Economic Research. Her research programme involves quantitative approaches to welfare economics, in particular income inequality, income distribution dynamics, taxation, social policy and social protection, social mobility, environmental policy and health, with a special focus on the role of social, economic and policy drivers of inequality. Her main interests are in the development and application of policy microsimulation models and the quantitative analysis of large data sources (administrative, survey) to aid the design, evaluation and improvement of public policy. She has been leading several projects focused on developing a cutting-edge modelling capacity to understand the drivers of distributional outcomes such as inequality, conducted in international partnership and funded by various sources, ranging from the European Commission to National Funding Agencies. The focus of this developmental research has been building a scalable modelling infrastructure for social, economic and environmental policy, with a particular focus on assessing the impact of crises such as the Financial, the COvid-19 pandemic, the Cost of Living and the Climate Crisis on wellbeing. Over time, this modelling framework has generated a rich stream of research with applications across countries, time and policy areas (health, environment, inflation, COVID-19, spatial inequality), published in over 29 academic articles, book chapters and policy briefs. This work has been awarded the 2020 Miriam Herderman O’Brien Prize awarded by the Foundation for Fiscal Studies (Ireland) for the contribution made to understand the distributional implications of the COVID-19 crisis and its policy responses.