The agri-food and environmental systems have shown the signs of the transition to a more sustainable model, yet the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic have proved that the path to achieving the goals of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development is paved with resilient entrepreneurial intentions that strive to enable sustainability at all business levels, as well as efficient management during times of crisis. The objective of the Mini Track entitled Resilient Agri-food and Environmental Systems for Sustainable Development and Agile Entrepreneurship is to explore multidimensional solutions to global challenges faced by the actors involved in the agri-food and environmental sectors. Moreover, this Mini Track aims to bring together academic scientists, researchers, decision makers, entrepreneurs and representatives of the business environment with the goal of collaborating towards identifying more resilient and agile managerial approaches specific to the agri-food and environmental systems. Papers related to all three dimensions of sustainable development (economic, environmental, and social) are highly welcome.