The objective of the minitrack entitled Management and Public administration is to bring together academicians with the representatives of the public and private organizations from different domains, such as: human resource management, public services, business environment, management of private organization, public management, development of public strategies and public policies, project management, etc. The minitrack will allow both presentation of new research from the participants and also the discussions about the new challenges faced by the actors involved in the transformation of the two sectors in the 21st century sustainable growth context.

The main topics covered by the hereby call for papers are related (but not limited) to:

  • Enhancing the capacity for innovation in Governance and Public Management;
  • Technological challenges for public organizations sustainable growth;
  • Innovation in Management of Private Organizations;
  • New ways of collaborating and communicating between different stakeholders after COVID-19 (secure future communication systems and networks for public and private organizations; platforms for market support to SMEs, etc).

The minitrack welcomes papers and research in the previously 4 mentioned large topics but is also open for researchers and practitioners bringing research papers or use cases in other related topics falling under the broader context of Technological challenges for sustainable development of public and private organizations in the 21st century.

Minitrack Chairs