Nadia Albu is professor of accounting and Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Accounting and Management Information Systems, in charge with research and international relations. Dr. Albu has been a teacher and researcher at ASE since 2000 and had in parallel an extensive international experience, including a master degree obtained in 2001 from Université d’Orléans, France, a Fulbright visiting professor grant obtained in 2014, a Deloitte-IAAER scholar grant between 2013-2016, and a visiting professorship at ESSEC Business School, France, since 2016. Dr. Albu is actively following the changes in the accounting profession globally, being part of teams conducting research for IFAC and Edinburgh Group. Her main research interests focus on the transformations of accounting systems in emerging markets, investigating the change and inertia in the accounting field (corporate reporting, auditing, management accounting etc.), acknowledging the importance of interdisciplinary research for an in-depth understanding of accounting phenomena in their environment.