Suman Mishra (PhD, Temple University) is a professor and graduate program director in the Department of Mass Communications at Southern Illinois University Edwardsville (SIUE). Mishra also holds faculty status in Women’s Studies and Graduate Studies. She is the core member of SIUE’s Truth, Racial Healing and Transformation (TRHT} Campus Center. Mishra teaches courses in research methods, transnational media, media and health, media campaigns, media and society, international advertising, and media law and policy. She has been recognized with the Teaching Distinction Award and the Phenomenal Woman Award at SIUE. Mishra’s research focuses on social identities in multicultural markets, consumer culture, advertising and strategic communication, visual communication, globalization and transnational flows of media and information, religion and spirituality in the marketplace, and media representation of gender, race, religion, ethnicity, disability, and nationality. She has received several top paper awards at the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication (AEJMC) and Central States Communication Association (CSCA). Mishra has a Ph.D. in Mass Media and Communication from Temple University, Philadelphia and a M.A. in Advertising from Michigan State University, East Lansing

Keynote Speech
Media Industries and AI: The Changing Landscape of Business and Communication