Target Audience

The workshop is open to academics, graduate students at different levels (MSc, MPhil, PG-diploma, and PhD), professionals, consultants, and other practitioners.

Some of the great challenges of Western societies revolve around sustainable consumption, this leads to an increasing need for primary data in research to substantiate decisions in the conditions of various external situations whose validity depends on a series of hypothetical prejudices affected by informed inferences. The informational problems of modern economies find their solution today also through the tool of the experimental economy method, which allowed a better knowledge both on the theoretical side (equilibrium, decision theory, game theory) and on the applied, descriptive side (economic strategies, policy strategies) public, the construction of IAmodels, etc.) and led to the “flourishing of the behavioral economy” We propose to investigate these aspects also on the occasion of the university’s annual conference.

In these conditions, the emphasis on experimental economics is appropriate for all young researchers who want to complete graduation theses, for experienced researchers who want to develop their research methods and, in a way with increased applicability, for those active in practical economics for the improvement of own business practice or application of public policies.

We intend for our workshop to accredit the idea of knowledge in terms of the Economy of Innovation that captures the trends of modern markets for the application of any type of innovation, especially the technological one, but also refers to the theory of the experimental economy that captures the new developments of the experimental economy that can be considered innovative and growing for economic theory. We propose that our event, concerned with experimental economics and behavioral economics, will discover how Schumpeter’s concept has become a mass phenomenon and that in the current economy innovation and technological changes are at the center of economic growth and explain the complicated matrix of this both in in terms of GDP growth, and above all, in terms of increasing individual well-being. We propose to discuss openly, on a scientific basis, about the scientifically creative possibilities of experimental economics and behavioral economics without considering that the classical economic theory is a fragile one, but we can discover more when we look at it in terms of creativity.

The workshop will take place at Bucharest University of Economics, Ion I. Angelescu Building (Romana Scuare 6), Floor 3, Room 0302, on Friday, June 14, 2024, starting at 3 p.m., and will take place in a hybrid format. Workshop will take place in within the framework of the international conference of the ICESS university, 2024 edition.

Minitrack Chairs